A man and woman skimming stones on a lake
A man and woman skimming stones on a lake

Cancer Assist

Money and options when you need them most

Cancer Assist is an affordable add-on to your Southern Cross health insurance plan (excluding HealthEssentials) and provides you with a one-off payment, over and above your health insurance, should you be diagnosed with a qualifying cancer. Use the one-off payment to spend on what’s important to you at a time when you need it most.

Not yet a member?

You can get a quick quote for health insurance and Cancer Assist.

Already a member?

You can get a quick quote to add Cancer Assist to your existing policy.

Choose a cover option up to $300,000

You can choose from a range of payment options: $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, $200,000 and $300,000.

If you have a confirmed cancer diagnosis, you will receive the amount you have chosen as a tax-free one-off payment to spend on what's important to you. (Please see the policy document for our ‘Cancer diagnosis’ definition).

It’s up to you how you use your payment

  • Additional treatments â€“ paying for additional or alternative treatments that may not be covered by the public system or health insurance. These could include new treatment options or non-Pharmac approved drugs.
  • Taking time off â€“ taking the pressure off needing to work, or reducing your work hours.
  • Staying on top of bills â€“ helping with household expenses like mortgage payments or rent and credit card payments.
  • Treatment travel costs â€“ covering flight or petrol costs if you need to travel for treatment. 
  • Childcare and home help â€“ making sure the kids are well cared for while you are having treatment, or arranging extra help around the home.
  • Overseas travel â€“ taking a holiday to relax or visiting loved ones overseas.

Cover the whole family

Cancer Assist is designed for the whole family, children up to the age of 21 years can be added to a Cancer Assist policy at any time, and for larger families, you only pay for two children, the rest are free! Members aged over 65 years can continue to have some level of cover (the maximum level of cover reduces to $20,000 after age 65).

Policy document and benefit summaries

  • Also good to know...

    • A 3-month stand-down period applies from the start date of any Cancer Assist policy.
    • All members on the same Cancer Assist policy will have the same payment maximum. The exception to this is on the policy anniversary date following an individual’s 65th birthday, their payment maximum will be reduced to $20,000. 
    • There is no cover for pre-existing health conditions in your Cancer Assist policy, even if you have cover for pre-existing conditions under your health insurance policy (for whatever reason, including a special concession granted to your group health insurance scheme).
    • Children cannot be included on a Cancer Assist policy without an adult (unless in exceptional circumstances).
    • A 14-day survival period applies and claims will be paid based on the date of the diagnosis. 
    • Members can only be named on one Cancer Assist membership certificate at any time and can only claim once per lifetime on that policy. After claiming on a Cancer Assist policy, a member can take out a new policy and will need to complete a new application and be underwritten. 
    • Members cannot be named on a Cancer Assist membership certificate and a Critical Illness membership certificate at the same time.
    • You receive a 14 day no–obligation trial so you can take your time to read through your policy document and decide if Cancer Assist is right for you. If you wish to cancel within 14 days you’ll get a 100% refund of any premiums paid.