Microscope view
Microscope view

Provider Web updates

We've made a few changes

We’ve made changes around editing approvals and we’re providing help when you enter an invoice number. Also, for security reasons, we’ve updated the options if you have forgotten your password or need to reset it.

Multi-factor authentication in Provider Web

We will be introducing multi-factor authentication (MFA) into Provider Web around the end of March 2025. Please see the below to prepare.

Browsers and operating systems must be compatible

We need you or your organisation’s IT team to ensure browsers and/or operating systems are compatible with the MFA set up.  Older browsers and operating systems may not support the latest security features required for MFA. See our Provider Web browser support page.

Unique usernames and email addresses highly recommended 

You can choose to verify your identity via text, an authentication app on your smart phone or via email. If you choose to verify your identity via email, your experience will be optimal if each user has a unique username and email address.

We strongly recommend that you or your organisation’s IT team set up unique usernames associated with individual email addresses as soon as possible.  If you share usernames and/or email addresses the experience is not ideal – this may cause delays in your login journey.

Please see the Provider Web MFA user guide.  

ACC drop-down options improved

On 25 August 2023 we will update our ACC drop-down options to ensure our members are getting the right support and entitlements.

Definitions can be viewed here.

For more information, please contact your Relationship Manager at [email protected] or call 0800 757 838.

Edit approval option 

If the status of an approval is other than ‘Approved’, ‘Approval Delayed’ or 'Cancelled', the Edit Approval option will no longer be available.

  • If you need to make changes to an approval that you’ve already requested payment for, contact your Relationship Manager on 0800 757 838 or email [email protected].

Request payment 

If you enter invalid characters in the invoice number field, a warning message will be shown to help you correct it.  

Forgot your password?

Security questions

Security questions help you to reset your Provider Web password in the event you forget it. If you’ve set up these questions previously, you’ll no longer be able to see and review the answers to those questions on the screen. You can only set new answers.

Password reset - missing security questions notification

If you have forgotten your password and have not set up security questions, you will be sent an email that will ask you to contact your Relationship Manager.

Password reset - email link expiration

If you have forgotten your password and you have requested an email be sent to you to reset it, you will need to change your password as soon as possible. The link provided in the email now has a 10 minute expiration time (no longer 48 hours).

New password requirements

We’re making passwords more secure. To do this, a new minimum length of 12 characters is required. You need to use at least two of the following: uppercase letters (A-Z), lower case letter (a-z), a number (0-9) or a special character.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some popular questions users have asked.

  • How long is the turn-around time for applications held for ‘TBA’ (to be advised)?

    Our turn-around time is 24 hours to action, or if submitted as ‘urgent/high priority’ the turn-around time is reduced to two hours. Please only use high priority if the service is the same day or the following day.

  • How long is the turn-around time for general queries, password resets, new web users, and reversals via email?

    Our email turn-around time for these is 48 hours. If you have an urgent password reset request, please call us.

  • How long is the turn-around time for email with attachments for review?

    We aim to respond within five working days for emails with attachments for review. This accounts for the time taken to log it against the policy, contact the member, and complete the assessment of cover.

  • How do I know who my Relationship Manager is?

    Your Relationship Manger assigned to your agreement is shown in the top right-hand corner of Provider Web. However, when calling us, anyone on the team can help you. You can call us at 0800 757 838 or you can email us on [email protected]

  • How far in advance can I submit an application?

    You can submit an application up to 60 days in advance. Putting in an application as far in advance as possible helps us if we need to gather further information to process your request (eg referrals/specialist letters from yourself, or primary care reports from our members).

  • When should I cancel and when should I update an existing application?

    Only cancel if the member no longer needs the service. If you do need to cancel, please leave a clear note to explain the reason. Update an application if you need to make changes (eg service date, etc.). You can do this in the yellow ‘edit’ folder rather than cancelling.

  • How do I respond to a question in an existing application?

    It’s best to leave comments in the yellow ‘edit’ folder where we have requested the referral reason via a provider comment. Please note - if you email us the turn-around time is five working days.

  • What do I do if I have a problem with Provider Web?

    The Relationship Management team is happy to help. Call us at 0800 757 838 or you can email us on [email protected] and, if possible, please include a screenshot of the issue which will help us identify a resolution for you. We may need to work with you to find a solution.

  • What if a member needs approval of a procedure that is outside of my AP agreement?

    If a member needs approval outside of your Affiliated Provider agreement, they will need to call the Claim Approvals team on 0800 800 181 or apply for an approval via their My Southern Cross account.

  • Can you answer questions that arent about services in my AP agreement?

    The APRM team are only able to answer questions relating to services included in your Affiliated Provider agreement. If the member has a question about their policy, please ask the member to call our contact centre on 0800 800 181.